Monday, October 20, 2008

No Class Today !!!! :) woo hoo

This week is Homecoming week which is really fun. Since I am on Cysquad I have a lot of responsibilities throughout the week. I didn't have anything today which was nice. Plus we didn't have class today which was also very nice. I got some grocery shopping done and got ready for our chapter tonight. I don't have a whole lot until Wednesday and then I have class all day, 3 quizzes on that day. I have one test this week and then I have activities on Friday all night. Luckily I am done with my responsibilities for Cysquad are offically over! I'm pretty excited for the homecoming game though! I was pretty happy that we got to 2nd cuts for yell like hell. Hopefully they move onto finals :) I hate that my boyfriend lives with 3 other guys. It's so annoying. He never comes over to my house and hangs out with me oh no that would be horrible. I always have to come over to his apartment and be with guys that are annoying and immature. I don't think guys are ever going to grow up. They will always be immature. I dont have a whole lot to blog about today. Pretty boring day to be honest. I've come to realize that there are just some things you can't change and that is just the way it is.

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