Monday, October 20, 2008
No Class Today !!!! :) woo hoo
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Lazy Weekend
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rain Rain go away come again some other day...
P.S. Only 18 days until Nov. 4th Get Excited :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today was pretty darn cold out! I must say though that I somewhat liked it. The leaves falling and the warm autumn colors are coming through making it fun to walk in the leaves on the way to class just to hear them crunch underneath your feet. I love fall. Fall and summer are the best seasons by far. The only reason to like winter is the first snowfall and santa clause. By the way I really really want to take a picture with the fake santas at the mall with my boyfriend. I think it would rock and be super fun! Today in class we watched commercials and compared them to each other and dissected them. I like to do this in class but at times it can be frustrating. I don't like to think that much and I am already a cynical person so going through step by step why the advertisers do what they do irritates me. At times it can be fun too. I like to hear the purposes behind things and how it affects other people and myself included. I'm really not looking forward to writing my rhetorical analysis paper. It doesn't sound appealing to me at all. I am still stressed about classes and other things. Now my parents are pretty much begging me to get a job. I do not have time for a job! I am too involved with other things but after Homecoming week I really don't have a choice! All in all I have had a not so good week and I can't wait for it to be over. I can't wait for next week to be over either.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Everything is getting to me and catching up to me all at once! I do not think I did so good on my Spanish exam today which really makes me upset. I think that I need to focus on my studies more as a student and allow myself to do good things. I have never really "learned" how to study and it gets frustrating when I do really good on all of my assignments and get them in on time and participate in class then bomb the tests. Pretty much that's how it is in every class and it is so annoying! I am such a horrible test taker! I can't afford another bad gpa! My average is a 2.8 which isn't horrible its a B- I think? But still I want better! These stupid gen eds suck and I hate them! I just want to take classes that interest me and that are for my major! We also have Homecoming next week which will be fun but busy. Since I am on cysquad I have a lot of responsibilities to uphold. I think I want to be a Greek Week aide but I am not so sure yet. I have to get a good gpa that is all I can think about. I am honestly contemplating dropping my Meteorology 206 class and picking up another class but being 6 weeks in it feels like a waste to just drop it already. I don't know what else to do. I will have to think about it and see how this next test goes on Friday to see if I even have a chance of passing. If not I will just pick up an online class or a one credit course once a week. That sounds like a good plan to me at this point. I am so sick of my class shedule anyway. I can't wait until next semester. This semester has sucked so bad for me. I am not a happy camper :(!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Mornings are no fun!

And I can't believe that next week is Homecoming already! That is crazy! At least I am on the other side of it working with HCC! That is really exciting and I just found out last week that I am the PR Cy Capatain which is awesome! I was really excited about it! The following week we are meeting with President Geoffory for dinner at my sorority so he and his wife are going to come. That is pretty cool if you ask me! I better get going!
P.S. Only 4 weeks until voting day!(Get out and vote!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekly blog assignment #6
1. The music within the Dove ad is upbeat and peppy. The title of the music playing is "Here it comes". The artist is unknown. When the video starts the little girl is staring a blank stare and the music starts in and it states here it comes. Then the ads start coming and the music picks up.
2. The little girl in the video has red hair and she is really young. She has a blank stare on her face at the very beginning of the video and as the music gets louder and more crazy her face turns into a little smirk.
3.The images within the video are crazy and fast paced. They go in order from where it starts to where it ends. An example of this is the billboards, music videos, dieting and products that can "fix" you, to checking your weight and the weight going on and off, to exercising and eating, to throwing up what you have eaten in the toilet, and to the most extreme plastic surgery.
Conclusion: The overall main purpose of this video and the effect that dove wants to have on us is that their products are better than the others and that they believe in real beauty and not the fake things. They want to impact women to talk to their daughters and by buying dove products they are doing their daughters a favor and eliminating all other options of self failure to pass on. The advertisement is also showing that you have to talk to your daughters first before it is too late.
Weekend Recap
Friday after class I had to run home and get ready for Initiation for our new members which was really stressful. I can't go into detail about what happens during initiation but it Is a pretty long process. Overall though it was worth it. I love our new members they are so fun and fresh! I especially love my little sis. I am so glad I got to meet her and that we are big and lil together. It make me happy. J After that I went over to Dominic's apartment and went to bed early around 11:45 and didn't wake up to my alarm at 7:30. I had to be at Eaton to pick up some girls to be at the house by 7:45 am for memory walk in the morning. That really sucked. I woke up at 7:50 so I was late. Luckily Angela went to pick up the newbies. And I wasn't counted absent which makes me so happy so now I don't have to pay a fine. I hope I got all of my study hours done this week otherwise I will have used up my only warning. After memory walk I went home to Des Moines and hung out with the family until around 8ish and then went to a friends birthday party. It was her 21st! so she got a party bus and we went to different bars downtown. It was so fun and I am so happy I went. Now I am sitting at home waiting to go back to Ames to get some homework done and I really want a nap. I still have to do Assignment 6 but I will do that later. Ttyl!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October 7, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How boring is class. Honestly. We all sit here (all 200 of us) and listen to crap we could care less about. And we call that education? Yes I understand that we want the people coming out of college and going into the "real world" to be well rounded and educated on all subjects you think I will ever remember how to measure the dew point?! Hell NO! So why am I forced to take a class that will not make me a better student or a better person. It will not only bring my gpa down because when you are not interested in a class for me at least you do not give a crap. Therefore you do what you have to to get by and dont really care about a grade because you can't wait for the class to be over with so you can move on with your life and move on to something you actually find interesting. Another thing that I don't find fun is going to any type of doctor. Anyone who likes to do this is out of thier mind. I feel like I am falling a part at the seams. My neck hurts, my back hurts, my feet hurt, and even my eyeballs hurt. I am going to the eye doctor today. Thank goodness. I can't wear my contacts which sucks because I hate wearing my glasses all the time. I should get that lasik eye surgery and I will eventually even if I have to take out a loan. ugh. At least I like this song and it cheers me up! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Week #5 Assigned Blog

The next few months flew by each day getting harder and harder to look at the prince. She knew the burning inside of her would not go away. She also knew that he was growing closer and closer to the edge. She tried to steer clear of his temper and understood that if she crossed that line there would be consequences. As the summer faded into the fall and after the fall turned into the winter she sometimes could not get herself out of bed. She dreaded looking into the once innocent eyes of her fair prince. The days were dark and dreary and she felt as if she had nothing to look forward to. The winter eventually turned into spring and before you know it the spring had some how formed into summer. One year had gone by and the day that stood out in her mind so much was now a mear memory in the past. But to her it was still as clear as the sky was that day. She feels remorse and guilt. Should she have told her husband the truth? Was she the one to blame? What could she have done to stop what happened that day? Those were the questions brewing in her mind all the time. The princess realizes that it will never go away this pain and her heart will always feel like there is a hole in the middle of it. This feeling will stay with her until the day she dies.