Thursday, November 13, 2008

Before Bed

Thank goodness I get to sleep in tomorrow before I have class at 2:10! Woo hoo! I am so happy. Normally I never get to sleep in. I have class at 9 or 9:30 everyday so it will be nice to sleep in for a change. I am going home to Des Moines tomorrow and hopefully baking cookies with my mom from scratch. Although we don't know the recipe. I will have to find it or get it from my grandma. I remember baking cookies with my grandma all the time when I was little. Very fun times. I think that is why I have such a sweet tooth now. I love sugar. I crave it. Today was definitely a lazy day for me. I went to a lecture though at the Memorial Union at 8 for my JLMC 220 class. It was some what interesting. The people I was sitting by were actually more entertaining than the speaker himself. Oh well it was only an hour. I can't wait to just be on Thanksgiving break! Spend time with family and I am so excited that Dominic is coming to Nebraska with me to be with my family for Thanksgiving. What a nice surprise. I think that is all I have going on right now and I don't feel like going into detail about anything else. I suppose it is time for bed. Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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