Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
On this fine Thanksgiving day I have a lot to be thankful for. I have great family, friends, and life. I couldn't ask for anything more EXCEPT for the cold I have. Of course I would get a cold on a break. Maybe it just caught up to me after being so busy and just finally settling down it just caught up to me. Right now I am at my grandma's and we are going home tomorrow. I am so ready for my own bed. I don't think I can last another night. The house is packed full to the brim and I feel as though I can't breathe. I love my family more than anything but sometimes you need personal space. I can't blow my nose enough I don't think. It's either sniffle, sniffle, sniffle, or blow, blow, blow. I have a fever. Great. This sucks. Other than this stupid cold my break has been pretty nice. I just can't help but think about the pilgrims and the indians on this day. They are always in the back of my mind. What really happened? How did this country really become what it is today? I'm going to go ponder that as well as watch the texas v. texas a & m game. Happy Turkey Day!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
interesting interview
I wanted to share this interview with anyone because I think it is so interesting that electing one person can cause this much emotion and joy to so many people. I also find it fascinating that Will Smith and his family videotaped their day that day. It is also intersting that he uses the idea that now "they" as in African Americans cannot hide behind any more excuses because all is possible in the United States. Just thought I would share this with you :) It makes me happy!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
So far this has been one of the worst days of the entire semester! How could things get any worse?? I get up this morning and get ready to drive back and get ready for classes and I walk outside and my windows are all frosted. I am a little irritated on account that it is freezing and I forgot my winter coat at home so I am doing without for the week. I start my car get out scrape my windows so I can at least see out of them start driving down the road then I hear a bump and my car starts leaning to the right. Hmm I thought to myself this road normally isn't this bumpy what's the deal? I realize that my tire is flat so I slow way down which really made the guy behind me mad and pulled over to the side of the road. I get out and realize that my tire is completely flat. I am late to class I call my boyfriend, Dominic, who is in a bad mood about it. He gets there realizes that there is nothing we can do about right at that moment and I need to get to class. I go to class do nothing in class and go to my 2nd class and get a test back that I wasn't very pleased about. I get done with classes get picked up go to my car call the help van who cant even help me in the first place. So I call Decker's to come help me out they come change my tire to put my donut on it and then I have to go back to their place so they can fix it find out that my tire is leaking and has a bulge in it and that my rim is bent. Great. Now I am carless. I dont know when I will be getting my car back on account that Dominic's car for some reason decided it wanted to break down and not start. Come to find out that he needs a new starter so he is going back to Des Moines to give his car to his dad who in return is going to drive him back to Ames where he will be carless once again. So neither one of us has a car. This sucks. The weather sucks I have a crap ton of homework and I dont feel like doing any of it. Sometimes I wonder if things just happen randomly or if it's karma? I like to believe in karma but at the same time I haven't done anything wrong to deserve the karma. Maybe I have in a past life. Who knows. All I know is that today has sucked beyond belief and I can't wait for this week to be over.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Australia. What a beautiful place. If I could choose one place to go before I die it would probably be there. Other than Paris of course. That is another place I am dying to go to. I am in a bit of a bind at the moment. Feeling anxious to go on break but scared I am going to be bored out of my mind. (Which I probably will be). With no job at home. What a bum I am. I can't find a job and I really need one. I am going to get one 2nd semester here in Ames but for the time being what am I supposed to do? Hopefully work caterings. That is my only option pretty much. I don't want to get a job in Des Moines and only work a month. I guess people might need seasonal help though. Who knows I guess we'll find out when it comes. Only one test this week and it is in about an hour so that's nice. I can't wait until Friday rolls around. A full week of no classes not having to worry about homework or anything like that. I am so excited. Thanksgiving will be so fun. Going early Christmas shopping, the food, being with family it doesn't get much better than that. And another thanksgiving hallmark the macys day parade! With the big balloons that is the best! Since I love hello kitty so much I thought I would put up a big picture of her as a big balloon!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lazy sundays
Sundays are the days you just lay around and do nothing unless you absolutely have to. I unfortunately had to do homework. That annotated bibliography is a lot harder than I anticipated. I went to Pella yesterday and watched my friend play football. It was his birthday. They lost which was sad but what can ya do. It was also freezing might I add. The high was 35! It was really fun though and I am glad we went. Even though we missed out on the last ISU game. I felt like it wasn't worth it. I promised my friend I would go see him play football and I did. There will be plenty of other last games.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Before Bed
Thank goodness I get to sleep in tomorrow before I have class at 2:10! Woo hoo! I am so happy. Normally I never get to sleep in. I have class at 9 or 9:30 everyday so it will be nice to sleep in for a change. I am going home to Des Moines tomorrow and hopefully baking cookies with my mom from scratch. Although we don't know the recipe. I will have to find it or get it from my grandma. I remember baking cookies with my grandma all the time when I was little. Very fun times. I think that is why I have such a sweet tooth now. I love sugar. I crave it. Today was definitely a lazy day for me. I went to a lecture though at the Memorial Union at 8 for my JLMC 220 class. It was some what interesting. The people I was sitting by were actually more entertaining than the speaker himself. Oh well it was only an hour. I can't wait to just be on Thanksgiving break! Spend time with family and I am so excited that Dominic is coming to Nebraska with me to be with my family for Thanksgiving. What a nice surprise. I think that is all I have going on right now and I don't feel like going into detail about anything else. I suppose it is time for bed. Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Miercoles is spanish for Wednesday. I am trying to work on my spanish as much as I can on account that it is apart of my minor kind of. I am ready for a nap that is for sure. I hate having breaks in between classes just not enough time to take a nap or do anything productive. I have a test in my Political Science class tomorrow morning and I am pretty sure it is going to suck. The professor that is doing this portion of the class and he is a horrible teacher! HORRIBLE! What is the point of a study session when you aren't going to give me any information about the test? We were in a lecture hall and he had no microphone. For those who like to sit in the back get punished because we choose to not sit in the front. What crap. Get a microphone so I can hear you and let me know what to study. It isn't that hard. The weather sucks too but the bad news is that it is only going to get worse. One thing to look forward to though is Thanksgiving! Woo Hoo! I am so happy for a break! I am going to my grandma and grandpa's house which is always a good time. It is also going to be nice to have a break from classes and school work. And when Thanksgiving is going on that means Christmas is right around the corner. How exciting.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Jack Frost has arrived.
Finally with much desperation and not wanting him to sneak up on us I think Jack Frost has finally arrived with guns blazing. I had frost on my windows this morning on the way back to the house. Although I had a relaxing weeeknd at home I had to come back and take some tests. Those tests didn't feel so good afterwards but I am hoping for the best. That is all you can do is just hope for the best and pray that it will work out in your best interest in the end. So far my classes are alright except for my stupid meteorology class. That is the worst class I have ever taken in my life. I go to class every day, I do all the assignments and all of the homework, NO OFFERING for EXTRA CREDIT which sucks and do poorly on the tests. I even went to the study session and studied what was on the study slides and only a few of the questions on the test were on the study guide! What the heck?! What is up with that?? The Annotated Bibliography is also kicking my butt with only 12 sources at the moment I am going to have to put it into gear and get the rest of those and put them in alphabetical order. After all it is due on Friday. Hopefully it comes out right since it is 25% of our grade. I know I will be fine just a lot more work than I thought it would be. I sure am glad that I brought my winter coat back to Ames. It is so cold that my Northface just wouldn't do the trick. I guess the good news is that there is only 2 weeks until Thanksgiving break. It can't come soon enough. I need a break from school but there will probably be some homework that needs to be done over break. I can't wait for this semester to be over so I can move on! Fresh start and an easy road all the way into spring break. Speaking of spring break I was thinking...San Francisco or New York perhaps??
Who knows.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
As I sit here at home and watch the t.v. show Amazing Wedding Cakes on WE I remember when I was little and loved cakes. I love cake.
It is the best thing ever to me. All I wanted to be when I was little was a baker. Even though I wanted to be a baker at the Hy-Vee which wouldn't have been the best life choice but that is what I always wanted to do and be. How fun would it be to just bake cakes for a living? I would love that job! Granted it would be hard work but an amazing fun job. Not only are cakes really fun to make they are fun to eat too! I sometimes wonder what I am going to do with my life as a whole but it is so hard to understand in the big picture how things are going to pan out. It matters how much time and hard work you put into your craft and you can't get anywhere with no work and putting zero effort into something. Over all in life I just want to be happy. No matter where I am based on geography I could live far away or close I just want to be happy and loved by those who I care about. Maybe some day I will open my own cake shop and make cakes and make people happy with them. That would really be a dream come true.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
First Week of November
So far November has kicked off into a great start. The weather has been wonderful granted it is going to change by the end of the week, the right guy won the election, and school work is bogging me down. I was so nervous last night on account that I was worried that Obama wouldn't win. As soon as I found out I was so happy that I couldn't hold it in. I had tears of joy. What a monumental event that happened. I was also so excited that Iowa went democratic! How excellent! I felt like I was apart of something bigger than myself. I felt as though my contribution mattered and in retrospect it did. I felt so powerful to have my voice heard. Although I hated the fact that some people are so ignorant. Do you honestly think that Barack Obama is a terrorist? Are you that ignorant?? It just irritates me so much. Some people are so over dramatic. I loved the speeches that they gave last night. So inspiring. Even John McCain's speech was good. I just thought it was funny when he mentioned Barack the crowd booed but then when Barack Obama mentioned John McCain in Chicago the crowd cheered. No booing no hostile feelings just happiness and respect for him. That pleased me and made me proud of the people who voted along with me for the guy that is now our President. I know not everyone will always agree and I don't expect them too but it is so sad when we have people saying that he will get assasinated. I truly hope that doesn't happen. It will be a very sad day for our country. I will be in fear for our country. I think people should come together and realize that we made history last night no matter who you voted for. WE MADE HISTORY! You will be able to tell your kids and grandkids about this moment. God Bless America :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Assignment #6- Looking at life through rose colored glasses
When I was young I thought life was easy. I had always gotten anything and everything I wanted. My life was good. I never in the world thought that there were "bad" people. I never thought that my family didn't get along. I didn't know that there was still racism in the United States. Where I came from I had a best friend who was black. Since I could remember black people were just people. Not different just the same as everyone else. I can't remember a specific time that this philosophy changed and I realized that there are racist people all around me. I think just recently as I have started growing up in college that I have realized even more how ignorant people are. I think the most specific time I can remember was just recently at a football game and I was wearing a Barack Obama sticker with some other girls in my house. We found seats and went to stand. There was a boy standing next to me that one of the girls knew. He was in a frat here at Iowa State. I said my hello's and then he suddenly saw my sticker. He said to me, "Do you honestly think that Obama is going to win?" I said back, "Yes I do and I believe that he will win." He replied back to me, "I will never have a black man as my president." That was it. No logical explanation about why he didn't like this man or anything. Just a simple answer that I did not ask for. This is when it truly hit me. That shattered my perception of people of all kind and opened my eyes to how the true colors of a person may matter to some but the colors that come from the insde are the ones that matter to me.
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