Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week One Assignment

Dorothy Allison reveals her identity in many ways throughout her essay. The first thing that caught my eye revealing her identity was when she says, "what was she thinking, this photographer who wanted to sprinkle me with sugar? Who did she think I was? Was she planning some rude joke I only barely comprehended?" This stood out to me because she is a strong woman. This is obvious because she stood her ground and knew that sprinkled powdered sugar on her in a photograph was not the image she wanted to portray in any way, shape or form. Another quote that Dorothy says is I have my mama's hips, full and lush, and her mouth, too often clamped subbornly tight. She understands what she looks like and knows her faults as well as the good things about herself. When finding identity this is a hard concept to grasp. She also says she believed herself a new creature, who would never wake up early to put on a girdle or put on makeup before going to class when she was in college. Her mother and sisters did this everyday and she saw them doing it and decided to be her own person and not follow in their footsteps. This is important because she knew and listened to herself. That is a part of finding your identity. The significance of the photographers request to have powdered sugar on her in the photo is that Dorothy grew up in a house where women we looked at as "cute" and had to be done up to play the role women were supposed to play during the time of her childhood. This reminded her of those times and days. Allison's attitude towards the pose in the end of the essay is almost making fun of those women who do play that role and do their laundry who wouldn't mind getting powdered sugar poured on them during a photoshoot. She isn't that type of woman and knows it there fore she plays along with it sarcastically. She views this moment a part of her identity in my opinion as both present and past. The present because she doesn't want to be sprinkled with powdered sugar in the photoshoot because she is not a "dolled up" kind of gal. Also as a part of her past becuase she saw the women that would allow a photo just like the one the photographer was requesting. As a result of growing up around these types of women she herself did not want to become one. I think the photos are authentic because they are real. They do not have a sugarcoat on them and they tell the truth. Dorothy Allison is a real woman with real opinions who knows herself and her identity. The photographers request to Dorothy was a little silly considering she knows herself and knows that the photo the photographer was suggesting was not staying true to herself and her identity.

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