Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sept. 17th

I am currently thinking about cutting my hair. The appointment is made for tomorrow and I am crossing my fingers hoping it turns out ok. I am sure it will I am just a little nervous. I have been trying to grow my hair for almost a year and it is only half way down my back. I wanted long hair for such a long time but it just won't grow anymore! So frustrating! So far I have been doing good in class I think. Once again hopefully. I can't wait to be done with school and I still have 2 and a half years left! I want to be done with a job. I think I complain to much most of the time. I need to STOP!!!! Sheesh at least I am going to college. I guess I just don't have much to write about today. It was hot today. That was a plus. My professor for Meteorology said we were going through a "indian summer". In other terms it is just a late warm weather. Well I am going to go study for my spanish test. See ya later!

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