Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cold Cloudy Day

Another coldish cloudy day. These are the kind of days that make you want to crawl back into bed and sleep all day. They especially make you not want to go to class. Luckily I am done for the day and instead of sleeping I am attempting to do some homework. I never have any problem normally studying and getting things done but for some reason lately I just cannot study. I get distracted so easily even though I know I need to do some studying I just can't. It is actually really depressing. To be completely honest I hate school. I think a lot of the time what classes we are taking as freshman and sophomore are a waste of time and money. As a Journalism major I have taken 3 classes, two my first semester here at ISU and a workshop 2nd semester and then another just this semester. Other than that I have taken zero classes that will help me achieve the main goal of coming to college. I guess I am just cranky today on account that I have to study instead of actually wanting to. At least I get to read a pretty cool book for Political Science. What really happened. A book about the Bush Administration and since I hate Bush I am interested in what this book has to say. Well I better get going since I have a lot more reading to do.

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