Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28th, 2008

Lately life has been pretty good. Although I have not been doing so great in my Meteorology 206 class. Our first test was on Friday and I am thinking that I didn't do so hot. I even went to the study session and still nothing. I missed the Presidential debate which I was pretty upset about. I heard mixed things according to others. Some have said Obama won 70 to 30 others said it was an even draw. I didn't get to see it so I am terribly upset. I went to the Obama rally on Saturday though in the Design building and got to see Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. That was really fun. A girl asked me, "Are you here for the political part of it or just to see Ashton?" I thought in my mind why else would I be here?? Of course I am here for the political side of things. Duh?! Some people are just simple minded I suppose. There were even some McCain lovers there. Give me a break. Go to your own candidates functions instead of mooching off of mine. How obnoxious. A lot was going on this weekend also. We had bus party for our sorority on Friday and the theme was Welcome to the Jungle. That was fun. I had an old cavewoman costume that I wore. It's always fun getting ready for the night. I like living with my best friends! All 60 of them! Gotta go do some homework! Bye!! Cant wait to see this movie!

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