Sunday, September 28, 2008
September 28th, 2008
Lately life has been pretty good. Although I have not been doing so great in my Meteorology 206 class. Our first test was on Friday and I am thinking that I didn't do so hot. I even went to the study session and still nothing. I missed the Presidential debate which I was pretty upset about. I heard mixed things according to others. Some have said Obama won 70 to 30 others said it was an even draw. I didn't get to see it so I am terribly upset. I went to the Obama rally on Saturday though in the Design building and got to see Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. That was really fun. A girl asked me, "Are you here for the political part of it or just to see Ashton?" I thought in my mind why else would I be here?? Of course I am here for the political side of things. Duh?! Some people are just simple minded I suppose. There were even some McCain lovers there. Give me a break. Go to your own candidates functions instead of mooching off of mine. How obnoxious. A lot was going on this weekend also. We had bus party for our sorority on Friday and the theme was Welcome to the Jungle. That was fun. I had an old cavewoman costume that I wore. It's always fun getting ready for the night. I like living with my best friends! All 60 of them! Gotta go do some homework! Bye!! Cant wait to see this movie!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday Night

I am so sick of the hot weather cold weather thing. It definitely keeps me on my toes. I went home a week ago and got all of my warm clothes thinking it was going to be "fall" weather. It has since been hot one day and cold and rainy the next. I for some reason feel so tired. I took a 3 hour nap today after my classes. Unfortunately I had to wake up and go to PRSSA which has so far been really fun and interesting. After that I went to tan and then went to good ol wal mart. The wal marts in small towns are so much nicer than the ones in big cities. The wal mart by my house in Des Moines is really dirty. In a small town not so much. It has more of a community feeling. Sometimes I wonder how the people who live in small towns do it but in some sense I think I would really like it. You know everyone, you are comfortable, things are simple. But there is always a downfall to that. I suppose there are good and bad to all things in life. That is just how life is. It is never black and white it is colorful. That reminds me of the movie Pleasantville with Toby Mcguire and Reese Whitherspoon. Great movie. It shows just what life is about. Change and adapting to that change and making it positive. That is what life is all about.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Youtube identity video

The video I chose for the identity portion was a music video. It was Jessica Simpson's 'I belong to me' video. I chose this video because it represents her and how she was feeling at the time. I also relate to this video and when I saw it I was moved. The video goes through different places where she is at in her house/ apartment and how she tells how she is not anyone elses property but more her own. I have always learned that no guy can persuade me or "own" me. I like how she cuts her hair and moves on and lets go of her old feelings and moves on. I can feel her hurt in the video and the emotion she captures. I sometimes feel that same emotion and feeling. Maybe not about the same concept but definitely the same feeling. Sometimes I feel as though people even myself expect too much and I am overwhelmed and I feel like I only belong to me not the whole world. This video came out after Jessica got divorced with her husband, Nick Lachey, and I think she felt this way. I could understand if she did. I think a lot of women end up in relationships they do not want to be in just because they don't know how to get out. Most men like to feel in control and women let them take control of their selves. It's hard to watch women lose themselves when they get boyfriends or husbands. It's almost like they just waste away so much time of their life. This video relates to my identity because it is how I feel about myself and I know that I need to be respected. I belong to me and no one else.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sept. 17th
I am currently thinking about cutting my hair. The appointment is made for tomorrow and I am crossing my fingers hoping it turns out ok. I am sure it will I am just a little nervous. I have been trying to grow my hair for almost a year and it is only half way down my back. I wanted long hair for such a long time but it just won't grow anymore! So frustrating! So far I have been doing good in class I think. Once again hopefully. I can't wait to be done with school and I still have 2 and a half years left! I want to be done with a job. I think I complain to much most of the time. I need to STOP!!!! Sheesh at least I am going to college. I guess I just don't have much to write about today. It was hot today. That was a plus. My professor for Meteorology said we were going through a "indian summer". In other terms it is just a late warm weather. Well I am going to go study for my spanish test. See ya later!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Assigned blog #2
I was walking to class one day minding my own business walking past the greenhouse and out of the corner of my eye I saw something small flash by. I ignored my sighting thinking it was just a bunny or a squinny running along trying to find food for the winter when all of a sudden I saw this figure again. This time I saw it more clear. I thought it looked like a dwarf but why would a dwarf be here? At Iowa State? This was impossible, but my curiosity got the best of me and I felt as if I were drawn to the greenhouse. I have always just walked by the greenhouse not thinking anything of it and assuming you had to have permission to go in. As I heard a door slam around the corner I knew the dwarf like creature had gone into the greenhouse through that door. I walked up to the door and peeked in like a kid looking through a frosted window at Christmas time admiring a toy they want under the tree. I felt rediculous. How can this be happening? I opened the door and to my surprise I saw nothing. I felt nothing. I thought to myself what is the deal? As soon as I was about to walk out the door I heard a bustling in the bushes. I walked over to the bushes pushed the brush aside and to my amazement I saw another world. There were leaves as big as I was, spiraled leaves mixed amongst one another and hanging plants with what looked like hair growing off of them. As I walked closer and closer to the "other world" I saw tall grass sprouting from the ground, flowers cascading around other green plants, I saw leaves with the packers colors, deep emerald and sharp yellow. I caught up to the dwarf and he was sure startled to see me. He then explained to me that this was a place for ISU botanists to come and plant new things and do experiments with them. He showed me around a while more showing me razorblade shaped plants, sharp pointy cactus, a bridge over looking a calming waterfall flowing into a pond with gold and black spotted fish in it. There were bright purple orchids which smelled like spring and a plant that moved after you touched it. It was a beautiful place with beautiful smells, and visions. Soon as my tour came to an end the dwarf explained to me that it was time to go but I was welcome anytime! Let's just say this will not be my last experience in the greenhouse.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Busy week

I sometimes wonder if I will ever have a week when I have nothing to do. I think it is impossible. I am always busy and always doing something. I also wish I would have taken different classes or put them in a different schedule. I hate my schedule. I have hour or 2 hour breaks in between all of them. So irritating. It is also very hard to go to class when you have breaks in between compared to one after the other. So far I haven't missed one class! I am so proud of myself. (haha) I like to get my stuff done and its nice to have little study breaks in between i guess but for the most part i definitely learned my lesson after this semester. I just keep telling myself only 3 months. It's so crazy that we are in school for 3-4 months then a new semester comes. I can't believe we have been in classes for almost a month as of next week! It has gone by so fast already. I can't wait to be a senior! I just don't want to get an internship. I know I have to and my parents already want to start looking for one for the summer of 09! That really sucks. I wanted to go on a trip to Spain or somewhere in that area in the summer but thats all gone away with the thought of a full time internship. makes me so sad :( I really want to travel. I have never been to another country. I want to go to Europe so badly. ugh. thinking about it makes me depressed.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Don't you just hate mondays?? I know I do. First day back to class after a nice fun weekend. Sometimes I can't wait to get back to class I know after long breaks I am wanting to start up again. But most of the time doing nothing except sleeping, eating, and breathing is necessary. The game Saturday was super fun Iowa State won! So that was exciting. One more win and we will be on an official winning streak! WooHoo! I am on Cysquad so I had a meeting on Sunday to learn a skit we have to perform on Wednesday in front of 800 people! Wow! But it should be fun overall. I am also trying to find a job at the moment. For some reason I just can't find one that sounds interesting. I applied last week to a few places and no calls back yet. Just my luck. I did Destination Iowa State as a Team Leader before school started and we got paid $200 so I am still waiting for that check. Although it should be anytime now! I need the money. I think my friends and I are going to go to Iowa City this weekend which should be fun. My best friend lives in Iowa City and goes to Iowa so we are going to stay with him. I am pretty excited but I know not to wear anything Iowa State. I heard the fans there are really mean and obnoxious especially when it comes to Iowa State. I guess that is all for now I can't think of anything else to write about! So long:)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Week One Assignment
Dorothy Allison reveals her identity in many ways throughout her essay. The first thing that caught my eye revealing her identity was when she says, "what was she thinking, this photographer who wanted to sprinkle me with sugar? Who did she think I was? Was she planning some rude joke I only barely comprehended?" This stood out to me because she is a strong woman. This is obvious because she stood her ground and knew that sprinkled powdered sugar on her in a photograph was not the image she wanted to portray in any way, shape or form. Another quote that Dorothy says is I have my mama's hips, full and lush, and her mouth, too often clamped subbornly tight. She understands what she looks like and knows her faults as well as the good things about herself. When finding identity this is a hard concept to grasp. She also says she believed herself a new creature, who would never wake up early to put on a girdle or put on makeup before going to class when she was in college. Her mother and sisters did this everyday and she saw them doing it and decided to be her own person and not follow in their footsteps. This is important because she knew and listened to herself. That is a part of finding your identity. The significance of the photographers request to have powdered sugar on her in the photo is that Dorothy grew up in a house where women we looked at as "cute" and had to be done up to play the role women were supposed to play during the time of her childhood. This reminded her of those times and days. Allison's attitude towards the pose in the end of the essay is almost making fun of those women who do play that role and do their laundry who wouldn't mind getting powdered sugar poured on them during a photoshoot. She isn't that type of woman and knows it there fore she plays along with it sarcastically. She views this moment a part of her identity in my opinion as both present and past. The present because she doesn't want to be sprinkled with powdered sugar in the photoshoot because she is not a "dolled up" kind of gal. Also as a part of her past becuase she saw the women that would allow a photo just like the one the photographer was requesting. As a result of growing up around these types of women she herself did not want to become one. I think the photos are authentic because they are real. They do not have a sugarcoat on them and they tell the truth. Dorothy Allison is a real woman with real opinions who knows herself and her identity. The photographers request to Dorothy was a little silly considering she knows herself and knows that the photo the photographer was suggesting was not staying true to herself and her identity.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cold Cloudy Day
Another coldish cloudy day. These are the kind of days that make you want to crawl back into bed and sleep all day. They especially make you not want to go to class. Luckily I am done for the day and instead of sleeping I am attempting to do some homework. I never have any problem normally studying and getting things done but for some reason lately I just cannot study. I get distracted so easily even though I know I need to do some studying I just can't. It is actually really depressing. To be completely honest I hate school. I think a lot of the time what classes we are taking as freshman and sophomore are a waste of time and money. As a Journalism major I have taken 3 classes, two my first semester here at ISU and a workshop 2nd semester and then another just this semester. Other than that I have taken zero classes that will help me achieve the main goal of coming to college. I guess I am just cranky today on account that I have to study instead of actually wanting to. At least I get to read a pretty cool book for Political Science. What really happened. A book about the Bush Administration and since I hate Bush I am interested in what this book has to say. Well I better get going since I have a lot more reading to do.
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