Monday, December 1, 2008

After Break

I hate the first day of classes after break. It's like ripping off a band aid then trying to put it back on. At this point I am so done with classes. I don't have any desire or interest to do anything. Unfortunately the end of every semester is just as important if not more important as the beginning and middle. I can't even believe that I am almost done with my 1st semester of my sophomore year here at Iowa State. That to me is unbelievable. The time has gone by so fast and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. All I have ever wanted is a job and a life outside of school. That life seems close. So close that I can picture it in reality. Before I pictured it in my mind as a dream, something that was so far away it was just fun to day dream about but with it so close in reach is kind of terrifying. With graduation 2 years away it's crunch time. Even though the economy sucks hopefully there are jobs out there. I would be crushed if I went to all this hard work to get nothing out of it. I feel bad for the seniors this year especially. A girl I know had a job lined up for when she got out in a month and it got revoked on account of the economy situation. Now what the heck is she supposed to do? She doesn't have any idea. She told me "ya know they tell you to do all these things, to be involved and get good grades and you do these things and then there is no job at the end. It is so disappointing." I felt so bad for her. I can't imagine what it will be like when I am applying for jobs and there aren't any. At that point you go into a state of panic. Hopefully by the time I get out the economy will be a little better but who knows? Anyways I love this song plus I love the people singing it I think it is beautiful.

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