Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Time

Christmas time is so much fun! I love this time of year minus the 14 degree weather. That part sucks but when we get the first real snow with the fluffy type of snow not the wet crap that turns into dirty slush but the real fluffy white snow that is beautiful right around christmas time is so fun and pretty. I can't wait to go ice skating over break along with making christmas cookies and making snow angels and building a snowman! I am so excited it should be a really good time. I just hope I don't fall down on campus this year. I fell once last year through the whole winter season! I was so proud of myself so I hope to bring that one time down to zero times! I have been watching the 25 days of christmas on abc family and can I just say that I am disappointed that they are showing cars and the incredibles for the 25 days of christmas????! That is crazy! They have nothing to do with christmas they are even being showed on the day of Christmas! You don't show cars and the incredibles on the day of christmas! What is that all about? I like those movies I mean they are entertaining but not for a christmas special. I was thinking that this year I might want to do something different and tell my parents that whatever they were going to spend on me take that and donate it to a charity of our choice. Each family member would have a certain budget then we would donate that to our charity of choice. I am going to run that by my parents to see what they think. There are many other people out there who need things more than I do. As one of my favorites here is a clip with music to the grinch :)

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