Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finally close to the end

Doesn't it feel good to know that something you started what seemed like forever ago is finally coming to an end?? I think it feels great! Although sometimes I wonder does the good feeling you get when something is coming to an end depend on what is ending? I think this is true for a lot of things in life. I remember after high school graduation thinking really? is this it? How did this go by so fast and what am I going to do now? It was such a strange feeling. I know that I will never talk to or have connections with some of the people I graduate with I mean c'mon I didn't even know some of the ones that were walking across that stage the same day I did. That's what happens when your graduating class is over 400. It was such a surreal feeling. Another surreal feeling is knowing that I am half way done with my sophomore year of college. How did this happen? I remember yesterday when I was moving into my dorm for the first time with a girl I barely knew and the only way I did know her was through high school and we just so happened to decide to move in together. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I had so much fun with her and she is now one of my best friends. Sometimes it is hard to wrap your mind around the idea that life keeps going after everything no matter what. I think this is a hard concept because you never really know when it is going to end. You don't want it to end most of the time. Getting old is like the plague. It is scary and something you can't change. I am going to embrace getting old and I am going to enjoy my time here on earth and live each day as it is my last. That can be hard sometimes. You think that test, paper, or whatever else is going on in your life is the most important thing but in the end in retrospect it isn't even close. Life will go on with or with out you. life Pictures, Images and Photos

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