What causes dreams? Why do sometimes you remember your dreams vividly and other times not remember them at all? How do we know if we even do have dreams. Maybe we don't have them at all and just think we do and believe that we just don't recall them. I hate the dreams that awaken you in a cold sweat or the ones where you fall, trip, or stumble over and right when you are about to hit the ground with a splat you are hit with a jolt of your body waking you up. I wonder if you actually did hit the ground...would you die? If you didn't wake up and that jolt of your body telling you "hello its time to wake up now" didn't come what would happen. What do dreams mean? There is a website talking about what each dream means and interpreting each one in alphabetical order. Are dreams a part of your mind? Are they apart of you and your deepest darkest thoughts? Are they a foreseeing of the future? Can they become real? Is that what de ja vu is all about? I have de ja vu sometimes and it is so weird. I remember have dreams of what is happening in my real life and it is the strangest most out of body experiences I have ever experienced. I have seen on T.V. that some people claim to have seen missing people in their dreams without knowing them. They can go find the person and save their lives just by having a dream. Is that a coincidence or is it fate? I guess there are so many questions that can go through a persons mind. So many questions and so little time. I would like to know if there are studies that show correlation between thoughts of a person and dreams. Maybe you only have dreams certain times because of specific reasons. Who really knows. What do I believe?? I have reoccurring dreams. Strange I know. I have had good dreams, scary dreams, bad dreams, and those dreams where you wake up in the morning wondering What the hell was that about? Sometimes you wake up and not recall you were dreaming at all. I think dreams are a part of the mind. Possibly what we truly think about things, sometimes things that correlate with our lives, sometimes maybe they have nothing to do with us as people but matter in a bigger light. Dreams are certain things that cannot truly be explained or conquered. Everyone has their own set of beliefs I assume when it comes to dreams. Now I am curious what those would be and how others would define them. Until then I hope this gives you some insight to what I think about. Sweet Dreams:)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
What causes dreams? Why do sometimes you remember your dreams vividly and other times not remember them at all? How do we know if we even do have dreams. Maybe we don't have them at all and just think we do and believe that we just don't recall them. I hate the dreams that awaken you in a cold sweat or the ones where you fall, trip, or stumble over and right when you are about to hit the ground with a splat you are hit with a jolt of your body waking you up. I wonder if you actually did hit the ground...would you die? If you didn't wake up and that jolt of your body telling you "hello its time to wake up now" didn't come what would happen. What do dreams mean? There is a website talking about what each dream means and interpreting each one in alphabetical order. Are dreams a part of your mind? Are they apart of you and your deepest darkest thoughts? Are they a foreseeing of the future? Can they become real? Is that what de ja vu is all about? I have de ja vu sometimes and it is so weird. I remember have dreams of what is happening in my real life and it is the strangest most out of body experiences I have ever experienced. I have seen on T.V. that some people claim to have seen missing people in their dreams without knowing them. They can go find the person and save their lives just by having a dream. Is that a coincidence or is it fate? I guess there are so many questions that can go through a persons mind. So many questions and so little time. I would like to know if there are studies that show correlation between thoughts of a person and dreams. Maybe you only have dreams certain times because of specific reasons. Who really knows. What do I believe?? I have reoccurring dreams. Strange I know. I have had good dreams, scary dreams, bad dreams, and those dreams where you wake up in the morning wondering What the hell was that about? Sometimes you wake up and not recall you were dreaming at all. I think dreams are a part of the mind. Possibly what we truly think about things, sometimes things that correlate with our lives, sometimes maybe they have nothing to do with us as people but matter in a bigger light. Dreams are certain things that cannot truly be explained or conquered. Everyone has their own set of beliefs I assume when it comes to dreams. Now I am curious what those would be and how others would define them. Until then I hope this gives you some insight to what I think about. Sweet Dreams:)
Saturday, December 6, 2008

When I first took government in high school I loved it. It was so enjoyable for me and being able to take part in the caucuses in January it was really fun. I wanted to listen to the candidates and take them all in. I think having the right to vote is a privilege not a right. As a woman we have come a long way from when we did not have the right to vote. I wanted to make my own opinions on what I liked and didn't like with the candidates running and not listen to my parents opinions unless I had questions. I think all too many times you see young voters vote for the candidate their parents vote for because they do not do their own research or they only know what their parents say and do. Looking at all the candidates I found that I am a liberal and at heart a democrat. I was deciding between Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. I am a fan of both but Barack Obama just stood out to me. I went to watch him speak on break in Des Moines at a local high school and he was amazing. He was so concerned with things that I cared about. I met him and shook his hand and he gave me a hug. It felt real. It was heartfelt. He found out that a girl's brother came back from Iraq and had killed himself a while after he got home. He first apologized for her loss and then proceeded to explain what he would do to change this. He also pulled her out of the crowd and put his arm around her and talked to her about her loss and how this happened. All in all I am so excited to finally vote in November and I am hoping that the rest of the people my age realize how important this really is.
Worst Weather Ever!
Soooo...The worst weather ever has approached us! It sucks walking to class in cold rain! Rainboots are so binding. I love mine but they are so tight! Uck! Yesterday was a nice day until later in the day and it got really windy and cloudy out. 3 quizzes today. Woo hoo. Not! I don't have any money until Friday and I still need to apply for jobs! I need a J-O-B!
I really don't think I have that much time for a job and I really don't want to get one. Afterall I will be working for the rest of my life!!! Oh well it will be extra money and hopefully I get a good job! I'm looking at two places right now and I need to apply by the end of the day. I don't feel like a nineteen year old. I feel so much older than that. It's very strange. I don't like the feeling of growing up and not needing my parents anymore and doing everything on my own. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.
Maybe I will be like Peter Pan and never grow up and fight pirates and hang out with tinkerbell. That sounds like a good time to me. Fly off to never never land and fly around big ben late at night on the way. Now that's the life. However one thing that I am looking forward to is Halloween! I love Halloween! Candy, costumes, decorations, fun times I love all of it. I can't wait to see all the little kids to come trick or treating and see their cute little costumes and hear their funny jokes! The best Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus! I love it!
Maybe I will be like Peter Pan and never grow up and fight pirates and hang out with tinkerbell. That sounds like a good time to me. Fly off to never never land and fly around big ben late at night on the way. Now that's the life. However one thing that I am looking forward to is Halloween! I love Halloween! Candy, costumes, decorations, fun times I love all of it. I can't wait to see all the little kids to come trick or treating and see their cute little costumes and hear their funny jokes! The best Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus! I love it!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Fuzzy Scarves and Fresh air
Life is an unusual thing to think about. At times it is too much to comprehend and I believe that my mind could never fully wrap around the idea of it. I could think for hours at a time about life. I think everyone has different definitions of life such as, You live and you die and that is all it's about. Others like to compare life to a roller coaster ride. There are ups and downs but either way your on the ride and you have to take it for what it's worth even if it isn't enjoyable. I like to think about life in both aspects. There are good times, bad times, great times and worse times. You might be in significant, or you might be the center of all. Either way you are alive. Either way you are living and you are in charge of your life. It is all about choices. The next question that comes along is...are some choices fate or is everything sporadic? Do things happen for a reason? Do people die for a reason? Or was it just a coincidence? I suppose we will never know. How do you know if you actually made a difference in this world? Sometimes you feel like Hey, I am just one person what will it matter if I do it? I'm only one person I can't make a difference. I told this to my dad about something or another and he told me a story. An old man was walking along a beach throwing starfish that had been washed up on the sand back into the ocean. A younger guy in his 30's was strolling by stopped and said, " what are you doing? Throwing back one doesn't make a difference there are at least a hundred still on the beach." The old man smiled and picked up another one and threw it back and said, " It made a difference to that one." 
This story still makes me smile. And I will remember it for the rest of my life. A smile can change the world. Your smile can change the world. Now that to me is the definition of life.
This story still makes me smile. And I will remember it for the rest of my life. A smile can change the world. Your smile can change the world. Now that to me is the definition of life.
Christmas Time
Christmas time is so much fun! I love this time of year minus the 14 degree weather. That part sucks but when we get the first real snow with the fluffy type of snow not the wet crap that turns into dirty slush but the real fluffy white snow that is beautiful right around christmas time is so fun and pretty. I can't wait to go ice skating over break along with making christmas cookies and making snow angels and building a snowman! I am so excited it should be a really good time. I just hope I don't fall down on campus this year. I fell once last year through the whole winter season! I was so proud of myself so I hope to bring that one time down to zero times! I have been watching the 25 days of christmas on abc family and can I just say that I am disappointed that they are showing cars and the incredibles for the 25 days of christmas????! That is crazy! They have nothing to do with christmas they are even being showed on the day of Christmas! You don't show cars and the incredibles on the day of christmas! What is that all about? I like those movies I mean they are entertaining but not for a christmas special. I was thinking that this year I might want to do something different and tell my parents that whatever they were going to spend on me take that and donate it to a charity of our choice. Each family member would have a certain budget then we would donate that to our charity of choice. I am going to run that by my parents to see what they think. There are many other people out there who need things more than I do. As one of my favorites here is a clip with music to the grinch :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Finally close to the end
Doesn't it feel good to know that something you started what seemed like forever ago is finally coming to an end?? I think it feels great! Although sometimes I wonder does the good feeling you get when something is coming to an end depend on what is ending? I think this is true for a lot of things in life. I remember after high school graduation thinking really? is this it? How did this go by so fast and what am I going to do now? It was such a strange feeling. I know that I will never talk to or have connections with some of the people I graduate with I mean c'mon I didn't even know some of the ones that were walking across that stage the same day I did. That's what happens when your graduating class is over 400. It was such a surreal feeling. Another surreal feeling is knowing that I am half way done with my sophomore year of college. How did this happen? I remember yesterday when I was moving into my dorm for the first time with a girl I barely knew and the only way I did know her was through high school and we just so happened to decide to move in together. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I had so much fun with her and she is now one of my best friends. Sometimes it is hard to wrap your mind around the idea that life keeps going after everything no matter what. I think this is a hard concept because you never really know when it is going to end. You don't want it to end most of the time. Getting old is like the plague. It is scary and something you can't change. I am going to embrace getting old and I am going to enjoy my time here on earth and live each day as it is my last. That can be hard sometimes. You think that test, paper, or whatever else is going on in your life is the most important thing but in the end in retrospect it isn't even close. Life will go on with or with out you.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Chelsea Lately
I love the show Chelsea Lately! I think it is absolutely hilarious that someone is finally saying what is on the public's mind. I love that she is so real and funny. I would like to know more about her story and background to see where she came from and how she got to be where she is today. I really like the way her show is run and I enjoy watching it. I really like E! in general. I think their shows are interesting and entertaining. That is definitely my guilty pleasure watching E!, vh1, MTV, and any other shows like that. I love reality t.v. It's pathetic I know but I just can't get enough of it. I don't really now why people are so obsessed with celebrities and what they are doing in their lives, what they are wearing, who they are dating, and what not but hey, what can ya do? I think a part of it is wanting and wishing you had that life. I mean c'mon who wouldn't want millions of dollars to do what ever you wanted with. On top of that most of the newer celebs around on the reality t.v. shows get money for just doing the show. Look at Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (who suck by the way) who have done nothing to deserve how much money they have. They are just on the show the hills so they get paid for it. I also think that people think they are entitled to know what goes on in the personal lives of celebrities but in reality if someone was in your face...a complete stranger mind you would you want to answer the most personal questions that have to do with your life? Hell no! But when you go out in search to be a celebrity and it comes true then you complain about not having a normal life Sorry I don't feel any sympathy. What can ya do? Anyways I just thought I would let people know that Chelsea Handler and Chuy are a fun source of entertainment and if you are looking for a new show to get hooked on this is a goodie!
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